Laure Prouvost

Laure Prouvost

Frankreich • 1978

  • Kunstwerken
  • Bewegungen

Laure Prouvost

Drucke, Ideally this print would be hanged higher, Laure Prouvost

Ideally this print would be hanged higher

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch

1.384 $

Drucke, Ideally here the roof be open to the sky, Laure Prouvost

Ideally here the roof be open to the sky

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch

1.384 $

Drucke, Ideally this wall would melt under your gaze, Laure Prouvost

Ideally this wall would melt under your gaze

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch

1.384 $

Drucke, Ideally this print will take you far away, Laure Prouvost

Ideally this print will take you far away

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch

1.384 $

Drucke, This print has traveled far to touch you, Laure Prouvost

This print has traveled far to touch you

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch

1.384 $

Drucke, This print wished you would take him off the wall and carry him gently in your arms, Laure Prouvost

This print wished you would take him off the wall and carry him gently in your arms

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch

1.384 $

Drucke, It calms us both 2, Laure Prouvost

It calms us both 2

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 90 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 35.4 inch

1.614 $

Drucke, It calms us both 3, Laure Prouvost

It calms us both 3

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 90 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 35.4 inch

1.614 $

Drucke, It calms us both 1, Laure Prouvost

It calms us both 1

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 90 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 35.4 inch

1.614 $

Drucke, This print wishes to be on the other side of this wall, Laure Prouvost

This print wishes to be on the other side of this wall

Laure Prouvost

Drucke - 60 x 45 cm Drucke - 23.6 x 17.7 inch


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Welcher Kunstrichtung gehört Laure Prouvost an?
Die Kunstrichtungen sind wie folgt: Aussagekräftige Typografien
Wann wurde Laure Prouvost geboren?
Das Geburtsjahr des Künstlers ist 1978.