Laëtitia Mirouse

Laëtitia Mirouse


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Laëtitia Mirouse

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No artworks by Laëtitia Mirouse are currently available. To receive the latest information about their new pieces for sale, you can follow the artist or contact our Customer Service directly through the provided link.


Laetitia Mirouse

Originally from Saint-Girons (Ariège), settled in Volvestre (south of Toulouse) since 2010 where she has her studio.

“Laëtitia Mirouse is a visual artist who, during the first confinement, took as a real gift the time that was brutally granted to us. She experienced the spring bloom as a revelation.

She finally had time to witness the rebirth of the trees and flowers that died out during the winter. Sometimes strewn with dizzying density, the flowers represent the sublimation of the plant world and bring us back to a forgotten humility, in another temporality.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of Nature, its joy and its light burst forth and it offers us, with a controlled letting go, its rebirth. » Virginie Papin, gallery owner.

Painting technique:

Varying the pictorial techniques according to his research, the motif evolves over time, is synthesized, painting always takes over.

Acrylics and chalks on papers that will be mounted on canvas are the crucible and bear witness to the evolution of his work in a spirit of expressiveness.

The research continues with oil paint on canvas, the question of time is then essential to alternate patience of a work by successive layers, glaze and explosiveness of the gesture.

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